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Website Speed Optimization

Optimizing the speed of your site

SEO services for website speed optimization are often overlooked, but they are crucial. You will likely lose conversions and revenue if your website does not load quickly for visitors. More than half of web searchers leave a page before it loads after three seconds. Does your site load quickly enough to keep users? If not, Modus Scientia offers site speed optimization services. For more information, please call 510-969-6939!

Explore Our Site Speed Optimization Service Plans

Silver Yellow Plan

20 Hours


  • 5 Hours Quarterly
  • $600 Monthly Investment
  • Best for websites under 250 pages
  • + So Much More..

Gold Green Plan

40 Hours


  • 10 Hours Quarterly
  • $1200 Monthly Investment
  • Best for websites under 500 pages
  • + So Much More..

Gold eCommerce Plan

50 Hours


  • 25 Hours Quarterly
  • $2400 Monthly Investment
  • Best for websites with 500+ pages
  • + So Much More..

Red eCommerce Plan

70 Hours


  • 50 Hours Quarterly
  • $4800 Monthly Investment
  • Best for websites with 750+ pages
  • + So Much More..

Site speed vs. page speed

The speed at which a page or a website loads is the same, but there is a technical difference between the two.

The page speed refers to how quickly a particular page loads its content. It can be either:

  • Load time: The amount of time it takes to display all content on a page
  • TTFB (Time to first byte): Time until the first byte of information is received by the browser from the server

The speed of your entire website is measured by its loading time. The speed is calculated by taking an average of the page views for a sample of the pages on your site.

In addition to being a synonym for site speed, website speed is a more general term used to describe how quickly your site loads.

Speed impacts your site’s user experience and rankings, and it impacts the speed of your page and site.

Site Speed vs Page Speed

How does website speed optimization affect the success of a website?

Easy! Search engines want this too. It’s not just what your site visitors want – it’s what Google wants. You need to load your pages quickly because page speed has an impact on SEO.

Providing the most relevant search results to users is Google’s primary responsibility. Additionally, search engines want to display content that is relevant to the user’s query and provides a great user experience. A great user experience begins with page speed.

Readability and ease of navigation are also factors that affect the user experience.

The faster your pages load, the lower your bounce rate – another factor Google uses to determine how good your site is.

Users will become frustrated and bounce away from your site if it takes longer than three seconds to load (does not load fully in less than three seconds).

You will see a drop in search engine rankings if users are consistently leaving your site. There is a correlation between a high bounce rate and a poor user experience, so Google penalizes you in the rankings when you have a high bounce rate.

Google concludes that your website is not very good if users do not stay on it long enough to read your content. Little do they (or your site visitors) know that you may have the best content on the internet, but your slow load time prevented them from interacting with it.

As a result, page speed becomes even more important. The speed of your website can keep users from visiting it, meaning they won’t have the chance to learn more about your business, see your products and services, or read your informative, beneficial content. They also won’t convert.

Does mobile play a role?

According to Google’s Speed Update, mobile speed is now considered a ranking factor. Your rankings will change as a result on desktop and mobile.

Thus, when it comes to optimizing website speed, it’s important to keep mobile devices in mind.

In the same way as on a desktop, optimizing page speed works the same way for mobile devices. As a first step, you should make sure that your site is mobile-responsive! In this way, you ensure a good user experience on smaller screens as well!

Slow load times can be caused by a variety of factors, including

Poor HTML Coding

A sloppy backend HTML code is a surefire way to make your pages load slowly.

When visitors view your website, HTML code determines how your page will look. All sorts of tags are used on the code to tell the page how and what to do.

A page of code will appear on every page of your website, and your code will get more complicated as your website grows larger and more complex. You are at risk of making a sloppy and jumbled code here.

Make sure that all references are correctly redirected and that there are no extra tags on your pages to keep them loading quickly. This will cause the site to load slowly if the server has to read the code manually.

Large, Unoptimized Graphics

A great user experience depends on including graphics on your site. For example, when you present a whole page of information, you should break that up with a few graphics, images, or videos to avoid boring your readers.

But all the graphics and videos you can add to your site pages can make it load slowly due to all the bells and whistles.

A large number of slow-loading pages are caused by large, high-resolution photos.

How can you keep page load times fast and provide a great user experience with graphics on your site? Use optimized graphics!

To reduce the size of your image files, consider using a tool like By doing so, the image will remain the same size visually, but it will reduce the file size to make it faster to load on your website.

Redirects That Are Too Frequent

A redirect occurs when a link to an old webpage needs to be replaced by a link to a new one. You can use redirects to replace old pages on your site when you edit your .htaccess file in the server.

The site refers to the .htaccess file in order to find out where the link is pointing to the new location when you have several redirects on the same page. In essence, the page will load twice, which will increase the load time.

Performance and Location of the Server

The farther your server is from your computer, the longer it will take for your website to load. Therefore, you should pay attention to where your server is located. Don’t choose a server in China, for instance, if your company is located in the U.S.

Your website hosting service should provide a high level of server performance. This is how it works:

  • Your URL is entered into a search bar on the user’s computer or a search engine like Google brings them to your website
  • Your server receives a notification from their browser that they are trying to access your site, asking for all the information needed to visit it
  • Rapidly if the server is good

Determining the quality of your server depends on whether it’s a dedicated or shared one:

  • What type of server are you using? A cheap/shared hosting? If so, your website is sharing a server with another website.
  • Do you have a dedicated server? Then you can make sure your website traffic is not shared with another site. The loading time will be much faster if you are on a dedicated server.

The 3 best tools for optimizing a website’s speed

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is probably the best tool to help you optimize your website speed. Using this tool, you can measure the traffic to your website in detail, understand your site’s performance, and get advice on how to fix the most prominent issues on your site.

Google Search Console now includes the Core Web Vitals report. Google recently introduced a set of metrics to measure user experience known as Core Web Vitals (CWV). These three metrics are:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a metric that measures how long it takes for a page’s main content to become visible after the page has started loading.
  • First Input Delay (FID) is a measure of load responsiveness. It indicates how long it takes for a browser to respond to a user’s first interaction with a page.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a measure of the visual stability of a page, or how much it appears to move around.


When it comes to page optimization, Pingdom offers a wealth of information. In the first place, it offers four sections of reports. An analysis, a performance grade, a history of the page, and other information are provided. Additionally, suggestions are provided on how you can improve the website.

Pingdom allows you to gauge the page speed of your website from Dallas, Melbourne, San Jose, and Stockholm, Sweden, if you’re interested in seeing how your site performs around the world. If you have international clients, this is extremely useful.

Modus Scientia SEO Checker

At Modus Scientia, we have partners with industry leader AdToms and have created our own SEO checking tool.

You can use the tool to input your website’s URL, your keyword, and your email address. A PDF version of the results will be emailed to you once you input your email address.

The tool has a number of great features. What is one of them? It’s easy to compare the performance of your URL with a competitor’s!

As part of your customized PDF report, you will also receive information about your page speed, title and description tag audits, and copy and code analysis.

Need help with your website’s page speed?

A slow-loading website can cause a high bounce rate and low conversion rate. Modus Scientia can help. Each of our page speed optimization plans comes with tons of services that can improve your website’s performance.

Some of the services we include in a plan to optimize page speed are:

A dedicated point of contact for the project

The Modus Scientia team believes you should be able to make contact with the same person throughout the course of your campaign. But why? By doing so, you always know who you’ll be speaking with. There won’t be any transferring between three different people, and your point of contact will know and understand your campaign.

In order to provide you with the best service, we make sure we assign you a point of contact who can answer any questions you may have, keep you informed about your campaign, and so much more.

Project Web Developers

The process of optimizing a website’s speed does not happen overnight. To ensure that your page speed is as fast as possible, a lot of behind-the-scenes work is done. Our website developers handle the project to make sure it’s done right.

Configuration Review of Current Servers

Taking an audit of your current server configuration will help us determine what your site needs to be fast. Then, we’ll investigate what needs to be improved so your site will run faster.

“Emergency” basis

We can do the following in an “Emergency”:

  1. Optimization of websites/CSS
  2. Combining Javascript and CSS
  3. Gzip compression
  4. Caching system configuration and setup
  5. Optimizing and managing redirects

And so much more!

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