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Enterprise PPC Management Services

Enterprise PPC Management Services

The Modus Scientia Agency is one of the most unique and successful agencies in the United States with a focus on maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS) for clients and a unique enterprise PPC management service. A number of agency insiders believe that this service is unmatched. We can help you achieve your most important business goals by managing your online ads, whether you’re trying to boost ecommerce sales, leads, or phone calls.

Results-driven Paid Search Marketing

Do you want to get the best possible return on ad spend (ROAS) for your enterprise business when it comes to online advertising results?

We offer enterprise pay-per-click (PPC) solutions from Modus Scientia if your paid search marketing budget exceeds $25,000.

You can manage your digital advertising spend by using our plan:

  • Streamline the online advertising process
  • Unique unmatched creativity 
  • Enhance conversion tracking
  • Maximize ROAS – fully tracked
  • Lead generation to generate more qualified leads, sales calls, and referrals

Would you like to learn more about Modus Scientia’s custom digital ad spend solutions? Get in touch with us today at 510-969-6939 or continue reading!

How does Enterprise PPC Work?

The use of PPC advertising can dramatically increase traffic to your website and ultimately generate qualified leads and revenue.

No matter your budget, Modus Scientia is committed to maximizing ROAS. Nevertheless, when your company spends more than $25,000 each month on PPC, it’s even more important to maximize your budget efficiency and earn the best possible results.

What does ROAS mean? The ROAS formula is probably familiar to you if you’ve run large-budget PPC campaigns. ROAS = Total campaign revenue / Total campaign cost.

ROAS has business impact, but what does it mean?

A good PPC plan for your enterprise should maximize ROAS while focusing on providing tangible results for your company. The right digital ad management plan can help you boost ecommerce sales, increase leads, and maximize budgets.

PPC Management Services offered by Modus Scientia

Our PPC plans include a variety of traditional PPC plans, as well as enterprise PPC management services for companies with budgets over $25,000.

Below you will find a breakdown of our services and pricing.

Plan 1

12% of Ad Spend/month


  • $5,000 minimum
  • $50,001 – $100,000/month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 2,000 keywords targeted
  • Google Ads & Bing Networks
  • Strategic bid management
  • Tracking for 100 web lead phone calls
  • Transcription for 25 web lead phone calls
  • + So Much More..

Plan 2

10% of Ad Spend/month


  • $10,000 minimum
  • $100,001 – $200,000+/month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 10,000 keywords targeted
  • Google & Bing Ads, plus Google Shopping
  • Up to 2 personal consultations
  • Fraud activity monitoring
  • Rule-based bidding management
  • + So Much More..

Plan 3

8% of Ad Spend/month


  • $15,000 minimum
  • $200,001 – $400,000/ month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 10,000 keywords targeted
  • Landing page template setup
  • AdToms Business App lead tracking
  • Banner ad design
  • Website conversion analysis reporting
  • + So Much More..

Plan 4

7% of Ad Spend/month


  • $20,000 minimum
  • $400,001 – $600,000/ month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 10,000 keywords targeted
  • Landing page template setup
  • AdToms Business App lead tracking
  • Banner ad design
  • Website conversion analysis reporting
  • + So Much More..

Plan 5

6% of Ad Spend/month


  • $55,000 minimum
  • $600,001 – $800,000/ month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 10,000 keywords targeted
  • Landing page template setup
  • AdToms Business App lead tracking
  • Banner ad design
  • Website conversion analysis reporting
  • + So Much More..

Plan 6

5.5% of Ad Spend/month


  • $30,000 minimum
  • $800,001 – $1,000,000/ month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Up to 10,000 keywords targeted
  • Landing page template setup
  • AdToms Business App lead tracking
  • Banner ad design
  • Website conversion analysis reporting
  • + So Much More..

Maximizing ROAS With These 3 Tips

In order to improve your ROAS, let’s take a look at three tips to improve enterprise PPC.

Install conversion tracking

Your paid advertising campaigns must enable conversion tracking if you want to drive the best results. Your enterprise business can then identify which ads are converting the most valuable.

Depending on the performance of a particular platform or type of paid advertising, you can allocate more budget to the most effective ads. If, on the other hand, your ads or platform isn’t performing, you can reduce your budget.

If you want to understand which ads work best for your business, you need to set up conversion tracking.

Use ad targeting to reach qualified leads

There are many paid advertising platforms that offer advanced targeting options that allow you to target leads based on demographic information, location, or even the device they are using to view your ads.

Your most valuable audience is likely to buy your products and services – and you can reach them with these targeting options and more.

If you want to maximize return on investment, use ad targeting to reach more qualified leads.

Keep an eye on your paid ads and optimize them

Finally, PPC isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. If you want to earn the highest ROAS, it requires continual monitoring and optimization.

Modus Scientia, for example, provides PPC services. Clients can maximize results from our enterprise PPC plans with advanced reporting and optimization options.

For more information on how we manage digital ads, continue reading.

How We Manage Enterprise PPC

In order to drive better results, Modus Scientia combines insight and research from our team of paid ad strategists with AI-powered data.

We have a team of paid search analysts available to you when you work with us. Our PPC experts specialize in many areas of PPC, such as search ads on Google, Bing, Facebook, and more. Expert advice is just a click or phone call away, no matter what platform or type of ads you use.

Aside from our PPC experts, Modus Scientia clients also have access to AdToms Business APP, our lead and conversion tracking software.

You can instantly monitor the results of your marketing campaigns with the AdToms Business APP, and we will help you make necessary improvements to increase your return on investment.

We don’t use robots to manage your PPC campaigns. AdToms Business app uses artificial intelligence to offer strategic recommendations based on billions of data points. With AdToms Business app, you can:

  1. AI machine learning keeps you on top of paid ad trends
  2. By integrating with Salesforce, Nutshell, etc.
  3. Our mobile app lets you monitor leads on the go

We found that by integrating our team’s insight and research with exclusive AI data, we could create a formula that drove impressive PPC results.

Modus Scientia Offers Enterprise PPC Plans. What Services are Included?

Modus Scientia offers enterprise PPC plans with transparent pricing and deliverables. We want our clients to know upfront what they can expect from our services before they invest. Most PPC agencies do not provide this information online.

Our custom enterprise PPC plans include the following highlights.

Search Ads

Pay-per-click ads allow you to appear at the top of search results when people search for keywords related to your business.

Ads appear above organic search results in search engines like Google and Bing.

Rankings are extremely important since they make your business seem more credible. Search ads that rank high are also more likely to earn you more clicks, site visits, and conversions.

What is the best part of search ads? Your ads only cost you when people click on them.

As a result, you won’t waste money promoting your products or services to searchers who aren’t interested in it.

Display Ads

In addition to PPC, we also offer display advertising on Bing and Google’s Display Network.

Display advertising lets you place ads across the Internet rather than just in search results.

You can advertise on more than two million websites, videos, and apps with the Google Display Network alone, giving you access to 90 percent of Internet users. Various sites, audiences, and contexts can also be targeted with the Google Display Network.

You can reach and convert the most valuable customers of your enterprise business with display advertising’s reach and targeting options. Ad creation and placement can be managed by Modus Scientia to maximize your paid ad budget.


Using remarketing, you can display advertisements to people who have previously shown interest in your products and services.

Remarketing is a highly valuable tool, as 70 percent more people will convert when they see retargeted ads.

Remarketing: how does it work?

People who browse products or services on your site or place items in their carts but do not buy them can be reminded of these items as they visit other websites through remarketing.

Our enterprise PPC plans include remarketing as a strategy for encouraging them to return to your site and ultimately purchase.

Shopping Ads

We also provide management and creation of shopping ads as part of our enterprise ad management plans.

You can use shopping ads to increase traffic to your website and store, promote inventory, and reach high-quality leads on search engines like Google and Bing.

The purpose of displaying your products’ images along with text is to give users a closer look at what you have to offer and encourage them to visit your site or store for more information. Your store name, product titles, and prices can even be included.

Buying Media on Websites with a Specific Focus

Would you like to buy ad space on websites where your audience spends time online?

We offer a variety of enterprise PPC plans that comprise specialized media buys to increase brand awareness and allow you to connect with target customers.

Lead quality can be improved in this way, and more leads will become loyal customers.

Ad Creatives and Landing Pages Development

We will manage your ad spend as well as handle the creative side of your PPC ads.

Ad placement is determined by more than just your PPC bid. This is particularly true for paid ads in search networks.

The quality score assigned to your Google account is the rating you need to understand and improve if you want your ads to rank at the top of search results. There are many factors that contribute to your quality score, including the following:

  • The click-through rate
  • Performance of previous campaigns
  • Quality and relevance of ads

In addition to boosting clicks and conversions, ad creatives and landing pages ensure relevance and quality.

Our PPC ads and landing pages are designed with conversion in mind at Modus Scientia. We will design ads that drive results for your enterprise business when you partner with us.

Video Advertising

Ads combining video and paid advertising are powerful strategies. Video ads increase conversions by up to 80 percent.

Now is the time to start using video marketing in your enterprise business. By implementing our enterprise ad management plans, you will be able to run videos across a variety of social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Custom videos help you engage and convert valuable leads, and video advertising helps your enterprise business stand out online.


Advertising with geofencing allows you to pinpoint the exact location and audience of your campaign.

Geofencing can be used to show ads to customers visiting an industry event or competitor’s location, for example. Geofencing uses GPS or radio-frequency identification technology, and it can set up virtual fences with a range of distances between one meter and 30,000 meters.

By using advanced location targeting, you can reach qualified leads in a particular area and encourage them to visit your store or website.

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