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Programmatic Advertising Services

Programmatic Advertising Services Through AdToms

AdToms is one of the largest owned privately held networks in the world. AdToms is a game changer in programmatic advertising giving power back to both the Advertiser and Publisher. Are you looking for paid advertising results without having to monitor and optimize your ads manually? The AdToms Business App’s programmatic advertising solutions can help – and boost ad viewability by as much as 70%. Read on for more information!

Explore Our Programmatic Advertising Service Plans

Our programmatic ad services are tailored to your specific goals and budget. At AdToms Business App, we understand that every company is unique. We have outlined the following prices and plans for our programmatic advertising services.

Aggressive Plan

15% of Ad Spend/month


  • $2,501 – $12,000/month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Basic Ad Targeting
  • Creative Ad Development
  • Strategic Bid Management
  • + So Much More..

Market Leader Plan

14% of Ad Spend/month


  • $12,001 – $50,000/month ad spend (paid to networks)
  • Advanced Ad Targeting
  • Ad Creative Development
  • Strategic Bid Management
  • + So Much More..

Trailblazer Plan

12% of Ad Spend/month


  • $50,001+ /month ad spend (paid to
  • Advanced Ad Targeting
  • Ad Creative Development
  • Strategic Bid Management
  • + So Much More..

AdToms Business App Programmatic Ad Services

Programmatic advertising services from AdToms Business App can be a hassle-free online ad management solution. For only $350/month, our programmatic ad services streamline the online advertising process so you can earn more leads and conversions.

Please read on to learn more about our programmatic advertising services, see pricing and plans, and contact us today to get started. Is programmatic advertising the key to increasing sales and revenue for your business? To find out how programmatic advertising can increase your yearly revenue, get in touch with a member of our advertising team today!

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Features That Makes Us Unique

Developing and Implementing Campaigns

AdToms Business App understands that every business is different. Based on your business goals and budget, our online advertising experts develop a personalized ad campaign for your company.

A Custom Ad Targeting System

Our advertising services provide you with options for targeting based on:

  • Population demographics
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Special Interests
  • Educational Level
  • Relevant Website Interests
  • Behavior
  • Mobile Devices and Carriers
  • Plus More

We also provide B2B targeting in our Market Leader and Trailblazer plans:

  • Title/Position
  • Company/Industry
  • Name
  • Size of the company
  • Location of the company

Through our targeted advertising, you’ll avoid advertising to people who don’t want what you have to offer – and you’ll benefit from your leads experiencing personalized ads.

Design of Ad Creative

We’ll develop ad creative that engages and converts your target audience along with positioning and targeting. Our designers know how to create visually engaging ads that entice clicks – and we provide a variety of sizes and formats to appeal to your audience.

Integrating Google Analytics and Tracking Goals

With our help, you can monitor the performance of your programmatic ads and make any necessary adjustments to make them even more effective. A+ programmatic ads can be taken advantage of without lifting a finger.

Implementing a Remarketing Strategy

We offer remarketing options for Market Leader and Trailblazer plans to help you re-engage and convert more customers.

Expertise that Leads the Industry

You’ll get access to AdToms Business App’s team of paid advertising experts when you choose AdToms Business App as your programmatic advertising partner. Every plan includes up to two personal consultations per month with your account manager, dedicated to delivering the best results.

Testing Strategies for Advertising

A multivariate test is also provided for landing pages and e-commerce cart/checkout processes. Contact us if you need these additional services.

Ad buying is automated and streamlined with programmatic advertising using artificial intelligence (AI) and real-time bidding (RTB).

A programmatic ad buy looks at buying an ad audience rather than an ad placement – resulting in qualified leads, conversions, and revenue for your business.

It may seem complicated to use programmatic advertising. It is true that the automated process happens in milliseconds, saving you both time and money.

It is important to understand some basic technologies used to automate ad buying before delving into the details of programmatic advertising.

Technology for Programmatic Advertising

  • Demand-side platforms (DSPs): Provide advertising inventory from publishers through an ad exchange like Google Ad Manager.
  • Supply-side platforms (SSPs): Ad space can be offered and managed by publishers to interested advertisers.
  • Data Management Platforms (DMP): Facilitate the collection of user information for digital marketing and programmatic advertising.

Together with artificial intelligence, these technologies allow programmatic advertising to automate ad buying and deliver relevant ads within milliseconds.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Programmatic Advertising

As you now understand the basics of programmatic ad tech, let’s go over how programmatic ads work.

  1. Upon arriving at a programmatic advertising website, a user triggers automated advertisements to begin.
  2. An SSP automatically receives the ad space dimensions from the publisher.
  3. To deliver relevant ads, SSPs analyze cookies to glean as much information as possible about demographics, interests, and more.
  4. Using the information gathered by the SSP, the demand-side platform (DSP) assigns a value to the user – the value of the user’s ad impression.
  5. With real-time bidding, the DSP submits a bid to the SSP.
  6. After reviewing all bids, the SSP determines the winner. You’ll never pay more than your maximum bid, because the exact price depends on the auction.
  7. Ads are delivered by the SSP.

The process may seem complicated, but it’s all automated and occurs in milliseconds without the site visitor even realizing what’s taking place.

Don’t be scared off by programmatic advertising. Throughout the process, AdToms Business App will guide you.

What is AdToms Business App’s Programmatic Advertising Service?

Since you now have a basic understanding of programmatic advertising, you’re probably wondering how our ad service works.

The steps are as follows:

  1. You want to increase sales of your products or services.
  2. You hire AdToms Business App – one of the top programmatic ad service providers.
  3. By leveraging real-time data, we are able to create highly personalized programmatic ads, which target customers based on demographics, geography, interests, behavior, and devices used.
  4. Automated bidding is used to buy digital ad space in places where your audience hangs out online.
  5. Personalized ads are shown based on your target audience’s interests.
  6. Enjoy higher conversions, sales, and revenues while you sit back and relax.

You’ll enjoy the convenience of a streamlined ad process – and you can focus on what you do best – running your business – when you choose AdToms Business App as your programmatic ad partner.

Programmatic Advertising Benefits

Do you still have doubts about programmatic advertising? You may be interested in these top 3 benefits of programmatic advertising for businesses like yours.

1. You can reach more qualified leads with better ad control

Programmatic ads go beyond traditional pay-per-click (PPC) ads by giving you more control over your ads and audience.

The goal of programmatic advertising is to reach a specific audience. By creating the right ad at the right time, you are able to reach the right people.

To maximize the potential of your ads, you can take advantage of these highly targeted ads to reach people based on their demographics, time of day, sites they visit, and more.

2. Savings and growth are driven by extra precision

Ads that target leads’ unique interests and needs can be a win-win situation – you will not waste money advertising to the wrong audience.

You can save money by using programmatic advertising and grow your business by using it.

3. You save time with streamlined ad buying

In addition to saving time and getting better results, programmatic advertising makes use of automated, real-time bidding.

As an AdToms Business App partner, you will enjoy continual monitoring of your ad campaigns and solutions for optimizing your ads to maximize conversions and revenue.

Manual bidding can now be a thing of the past – and you’ll get the hassle-free results you want while staying within your ad budget with programmatic ad services.

Can I Place a Programmatic Ad Anywhere?

Thank you for asking. Among the platforms we use for programmatic advertising are:

  • Google Display Network 360
  • Video Display 360
  • Dataxu
  • StackAdapt
  • Adswizz
  • Zeta
  • Shopify
  • Pandora
  • Amazon Display
  • Digital TV (Hulu, etc.)
  • And many more!

The difference between programmatic ads and pay-per-click (PPC)

Are you curious about the difference between traditional paid advertising and programmatic advertising?

It’s important to understand that programmatic advertising is a type of PPC. As mentioned above, however, programmatic advertising focuses more on buying a certain audience rather than a particular ad spot.

Below are some key differences between programmatic and conventional media buying.

Bidding: Programmatic ads provide real-time bidding with certain partners and allow you to set a floor price. In contrast to traditional search ads, programmatic ads utilize real-time bidding instead of a bidding model. In addition, programmatic ads offer direct deals at a fixed CPM price.

Ad setup and implementation: For traditional search campaigns to drive maximum impact with minimal investment, great care must be taken to detail. When bids are not accurately input and monitored, thousands of dollars can be wasted.

Automated bidding and daily spend limits, while also requiring an attention to detail, allow you to optimize your budget and drive the most effective results.

Key metrics: Traditionally, PPC campaigns emphasize click-through rate (CTR), which affects quality score and, ultimately, ad cost. Higher CTRs result in lower CPCs.

With programmatic ads, however, a high CTR can indicate fraudulent traffic. Viewability or how many people actually view your ad is the focus of programmatic ads.

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